Mp4tools 3.3.3
Mp4tools 3.3.3

mp4tools 3.3.3

PHR system allows the data owner to manage and share his/her data with selected individuals. Personal health record system (PHR system) stores health-related information of an individual. Finally, future research directions, in the end, would direct enthusiasm to combine new blockchain-based systems to properly manage EHRs. Moreover, results obtained from the detailed studies would provide potential researchers with a reference as to which type of blockchain to choose for future development. The SLR found that the blockchain technology is promising to provide decentralization, security, and privacy that traditional EHRs often lack. The deep technical analysis focused on evaluating articles based on privacy, security, scalability, accessibility, cost, consensus algorithms, and type of blockchain used. The study analyzed 99 papers that were described from various publication categories. This study focused on a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to find and analyze articles proposed either conceptual or implemented to manage EHRs using blockchain. There are three categories of blockchain-based potential solutions have been proposed to handle EHRs: conceptual, prototype, and implemented.

mp4tools 3.3.3

It can provide a safer and secured decentralized environment for exchanging EHRs data. Blockchain is a leading technology among others to address the limitations related to EHRs. On the other hand, an electronic health records (EHRs) is the electronically stored health information in a digital format.EHRs are normally shared among healthcare stakeholders and facing power failure, data misuse, lack of privacy and security, and audit trail. Moreover, the decentralized file system provides better security than existing traditional centralized database systems while providing the same level of performance.īlockchain is the revolutionary invention of the twentieth century that offers a distributed and decentralized setting to communicate among nodes in a list of networks without a central authority. The experimental results indicate that the proposed system performs better than existing Blockchain based systems. Experiments were conducted on a variable network size and number of transactions. We evaluated and compared the performance of the proposed system based on various performance metrics such as transaction latency, throughput and failure rate. We implemented the proposed system on an enterprise Ethereum Blockchain known as Hyperledger Besu. The proposed system is based on Istanbul Byzantine Fault Tolerant (IBFT) consensus algorithm and Interplanetary File System (IPFS). In this paper, we propose a permissioned Blockchain based healthcare data sharing system that integrates Blockchain technology, decentralized file system and threshold signature to address the aforementioned problems. In addition, past solutions exposed users to privacy linking attacks and did not tackle performance and scalability challenges. However, existing solutions relying on a centralized database are susceptible to traditional security problems such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and a single point of failure similar to traditional database systems. Further evaluation on the distributed design of the proposed blockchain-based PHR system is planned for our future work.īlockchain technology has a great potential for improving efficiency, security and privacy of Electronic Health Records (EHR) sharing systems. The performance results indicated that the proposed blockchain-based PHR system can work within the emergency response time of 8 min and it is usable with an efficient computational cost. The result of simulating the architectural model shows that the proposed blockchain-based PHR system can response within 4 min for 60,000 accesses each day. The result shows that storing 32 MB of the PHR data takes 4.84 s and retrieving the same PHR data takes 5.19 s. Experiments are conducted with various data sizes including 128, 512 KB, 2, 8 and 32 MB. The key parameters for the architectural model are extracted from the prototype. The proposed blockchain-based PHR system prototype is implemented and the architectural model for the blockchain-based PHR system is also constructed. Thus, this article presents the performance analysis of the blockchain-based PHR system to ensure the usability in practice. Consequently, the performance becomes a concern for blockchain-PHR integration because of the blockchain performance issues in the past. The blockchain-based PHR system has been proposed recently to enhance the security and privacy for the PHR data. The Personal Health Record (PHR) could be seen as a preventive care solution to the incoming aging society.

Mp4tools 3.3.3